About Me

Hello! My name is Shenali, and I am currently a college student studying biochemistry and molecular biology with the hopes of becoming a research scientist. Although I love the sciences, I have always been deeply passionate in writing music. My name is Shenali, and I am passionate about creating, playing and enjoying all types of music.

My music-writing journey began when I was around eight years old. For the first time, I decided that I wanted to write a song. So, I sat down at the piano, got myself a sheet of staff paper, and started scribbling down notes with my wobbly elementary school handwriting. When I was finished, eight-year-old me was just happy that my piano teacher liked it enough to hang it up on the wall. It wasn’t really an extravagant or ingenious song, but what I didn’t realize at the time was that they weren’t just notes thrown around aimlessly on a page—there was a clear melody following a C Major scale, and it even ended on an authentic cadence! When I discovered those things as I got older, I realized that writing music was my craft.

Since then, I dedicated myself to learning piano and honing my composing skills. I found that my ethnic background, memories, and favorite songs all influenced and fueled creativity. My most significant accomplishment in my music-writing journey took years of hard work: publishing my very first piano sheet music book, "What's That Feeling?" This book is filled with music I created as a passionate young composer, along with original artwork. Click the button below to check out my book!

I am also using FL Studio to incorporate digital music into my piano compositions. Check out my original composition, “Sonatina to Find Your Groove,” which is my contemporary take on the sonata-allegro form:

Despite achieving many successes in my music career so far, I still have a lot to learn. If you are like me, someone passionate about music, I would love to connect. Contact me through my contact page, and let’s share our love for, ideas on, and thoughts about music!

Until next time,

Shenali :)